Music Adventures

This was, originally, a page about the progress of a CD I am working on: Pigasus.

As with most creative projects of a musician/composer who doesn't do it full time, that project is on hold for awhile (see part three, below). Regardless, my music, in general, is never "on hold." I am always working on something, so I decided to keep this page going, simply as a chronicle of my original music and collaborations. As always, though, posts will not be strictly about music as a topic. I will only post if I have something to say that applies to everyone -- not just musicians. I will also post occasionally when I finish a new piece, just to share with you all. Thanks for hanging in with me.


Pigasus, July 8, 2013
A Ridiculous Level of Patience, July 15, 2013
Smashing the Myth of THE Creative Process: "My Everyday", October 2, 2013
My Father's Melody, October 21, 2013
Why I Am the Greatest Composer in the History of Mankind, October 30, 2013
A Stanger in an Ever-Stranger Land, November 22, 2013

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